Tip: Under most circumstances, modification of this file is not necessary.
This section will document how Maps > Resources > Templates and template snippets.
The Output Map used by an application is defined by the auda.xrd file, located in the $FGLASDIR/etc directory.
The Genero Application Server first identifies the value of the RULE element for the application. The RULE element is defined in the application configuration defined for and interpreted by the Genero Application Server.
For example, if the value of the RULE element is UseGWC, then drop into that element. Once inside that element, the type of device that is being used to display the application in the browser determines which Output Map is used to render the application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?fjsRuleConfiguration Version="2.11"?> <RULE_LIST xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://www.4js.com/ns/gas/2.11/xrd.xsd"> <!-- Output Driver Determination (XRD - XML Rule Definition) --> <RULE Id="UseGDC"> <TABLE Id="1" Key="User-Agent"> <ROW> <IN>MSIE</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_GDC</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>GDC</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_GDC</ACTION> </ROW> </TABLE> </RULE> <RULE Id="UseGJC"> <TABLE Id="1" Key="User-Agent"> <ROW> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_GJC</ACTION> </ROW> </TABLE> </RULE> <RULE Id="UseGWC"> <TABLE Id="1" Key="User-Agent"> <ROW> <IN>Symbol-WC</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_Symbol-WC</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>Symbian OS</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>EPOC</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>iPhone</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>Windows CE</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>PalmOS</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>PalmSource</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>Opera Mini</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_PDA</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <IN>MSIE</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_AJAX_HTML</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_AJAX</ACTION> </ROW> </TABLE> </RULE> </RULE_LIST>
As shown in the sample auda.xrd file listed above, for handheld devices such as EPOC, iPhone, Windows CE, and PalmOS, the DUA_PDA Output Map is chosen. This Output Map consists of snippets that are designed to deliver an application on a handheld device. For other devices (such as desktop computers and standard laptops), the DUA_AJAX Output Map is selected.
Note: The built-in rendering engine remains for backwards compatibility and legacy implementations, however to use the built-in rendering engine you must either modify the auda.xrd file to specify "DUA_GWC" as the Output Map to use or explicitly reference the DUA_GWC Output Map in the application's URL. Both topics are covered below.
If you have created a custom Output Map, you simply modify the Output Maps specified within the auda.xrd file to reference your new Output Map.
For example, imagine you have created an Output Map named DUA_AJAX1.
In the auda.xrd file installed by default, you would identify those situations where that application should use your custom Output Map. The decision is still based on the device on which the browser will display the application.
You can specify an exact Output Map to use by including the Output Map declaration within the URL of the application.
For example, to specifically use the DUA_PDA Output Map when calling the Edit demo application, you would use the following URI:
You can force an application to use a specific Output Map by providing the Output Map as an argument in the application URL.
In this example, the demo application is rendered using the DUA_GWC Output Map, which renders the application using the built-in rendering engine and its default theme.
In this example, the demo application is rendered using the DUA_PDA Output Map, which renders the application using the snippet-based rendering engine and the PDA theme.
<RULE_LIST> <RULE Id="useId"> <TABLE Id="numId" Key="keyType"> <ROW> <IN>inType</IN> <OUT>outType</OUT> <ACTION Type="actionType">actionName</ACTION> </ROW> [<ROW> ...] </TABLE> </RULE> [<RULE> ...] </RULE_LIST>
<RULE Id="UseGDC">03
<TABLE Id="1" Key="User-Agent">04
<RULE Id="UseGJC">15
<TABLE Id="1" Key="User-Agent">16
Note: A usage example is provided at the bottom of this section.
The RULE_LIST element is the main element of an XRD (XML Rule Definition) used by the Genero Application Server and contains the following child element:
The RULE element defines a unique rule. The RULE element must specify an Id attribute; this required attribute takes a string value. The identifier (Id) of the rule defines its name, as it is going to be used later, in files such as the Genero Application Server configuration file. Valid values for the Id attribute include:
The RULE element contains the following child element:
The TABLE element must specify two attributes, an Id attribute and a Key attribute.
The TABLE element contains the following child element:
The ROW element may contain the following child elements:
For this example, suppose you want to use GDCAX for Internet Explorer browsers and GJC for all other browser types. To achieve this, you have configure your application to support both Output Maps.
In your Genero Application Server configuration file (as.xcf), you
would add a rule, such as UseAllOutputDriver
shown below:
<APPLICATION Id="test" Parent="defaultwa"> <EXECUTION> <PATH>$(res.path.fgldir.demo)</PATH> <MODULE>demo.42r</MODULE> </EXECUTION> <OUTPUT Rule="UseAllOutputDriver"> <MAP Id="DUA_GJC" Allowed="TRUE"> <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.wa"/> <THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gjc"/> </MAP> <MAP Id="DUA_GDC" Allowed="TRUE"> <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.wa"/> <THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gdc"/> </MAP> </OUTPUT> </APPLICATION>In adua.xrd, you would have the following:
<RULE Id="UseAllOutputDriver"> <TABLE Id="1" Key="User-Agent"> <ROW> <IN>MSIE</IN> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_GDC</ACTION> </ROW> <ROW> <ACTION Type="RESULT">DUA_GJC</ACTION> </ROW> </TABLE> </RULE>With this example, if the User-Agent value contains
, GDCAX will be
used; otherwise the GJC (java applet) will be used.