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Authentication - Confguration Reference

The AUTHENTICATION element in the Genero Application Server configuration file sets the authentication configuration for the Genero Application Server.  Authentication allows you to run impersonated DVM through HTTP (where the DVM is started as the authenticated user). Authentication is currently supported by the Genero Desktop Client (GDC and GDC/AX) and the Genero Web Client. Refer to the respective client manuals for client-specific authentication configuration.


<AUTHENTICATION Type="authtype">


The AUTHENTICATION element takes an attribute of Type where authtype specifies the type of authentication. Currently, only the Kerberos type is supported. The AUTHENTICATION element may contain the following child elements (described below):

  1. One REALM element (required).
  2. One SERVICE_NAME element (required).
  3. One KEYTAB element (required).



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The REALM element specifies the Kerberos realm. If no realm is specified (the element is empty), the default realm is used.

Usage Examples:

The following examples would be valid for the REALM element:


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The SERVICE_NAME element specifies the service name for the Genero Application Server. By default, the value of this element is "gassvc".

The value set for the SERVICE_NAME element is only used on Unix systems.

Usage Examples

The following example would be valid for the SERVICE_NAME element:


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The KEYTAB element specifies the path to the keytab file. This file provides the Kerberos service private key. 

The value set for the KEYTAB element is only used on Unix systems.

Usage Example

The following example would be valid for the KEYTAB element:


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