This topic provides an explanation of how licensing works through the use of diagrams. It does not replace the license agreement.
This diagram shows two (2) User Agents connected to two (2) DVMs. (The connection is made via the Web server, fglccgi / fglcisapi, and gasd.)
In this scenario, two (2) runtime licenses are used.
Note: Most browsers now support tabs. It is important to understand that for this discussion, each browser is assumed to be using only one tab. If you open two tabs in a browser, and each tab connects to its own DVM, then it is just as if two browsers were being used, and two (2) runtime licenses are used.
This diagram shows two (2) user agents connected to an application, which in
turn calls other applications using the Genero BDL RUN
command or the RUN WITHOUT
In this scenario, two (2) runtime licenses are used.
This diagram shows four (4) user agents running on two (2) different PCs and connected to four (4) DVMs.
In this scenario, four (4) runtime licenses are used.
This diagram shows four (4) user agents running on two (2) different PCs and
connected to four (4) DVMs, some of which are running external DVMs using the
Genero BDL RUN
In this scenario, four (4) runtime licenses are used.
The Genero Front End -- whether GWC, GDC-HTTP, GDCAX, or GJC -- does not require any additional license information.
When a user requests an application, the gasd starts a DVM to handle the request. It is the DVM that consumes a license. For example, one license is used when an application is started from a User Agent. If within this application, a RUN or a RUN WITHOUT WAITING is executed, the same license is used, even if the first User Agent opens new User Agents.
If, however, an application is started in another User Agent (without RUN or RUN WITHOUT WAITING), a new license is used.
When the license is freed depends on how the application is exited. A license is freed when the applications closes, or to be more exact, when the DVM is shut down. If the user exits the application by clicking on the cancel or exit button, the DVM is shut down and the license is immediately freed. If, however, the user does not exit the application but instead closes the User Agent, the DVM continues to run until the application times out (the number of seconds is set for the USER_AGENT timeout). After the timeout period passes, the gasd closes the connection to the DVM, the DVM shuts down, and the license is freed.
To determine the number of licenses used, run "fglWrt -u
" followed by "fglWrt
-a info users
GDC-HTTP and GDCAX do not have the same license counting rules as the GDC has in other connection modes (rlogin, telnet or ssh). For the latter, one license is consumed per GDC monitor, no matter the number of applications launched. This is also true for GJC-HTTP and GJC Applet versus GJC in other connection modes.