You can use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to customize the look and feel of your application.
CSS Syntax
CSS uses a specific syntax to define the style of HTML elements. This section presents the various syntax options.
Genero CSS Selectors
This section lists Genero CSS selectors by category (Containers, FormFields, Dialogs, and more). Not all selectors are valid for each of the three modes (AJAX, PAGE, PDA); you must view the generated HTML to see which selectors are valid for the mode (template and snippet sets) being used to display your application.
CSS uses a specific syntax to define the style of HTML elements.
selector { style [...] }
Here is an excerpt of the selector syntax used with the Genero Web Client default theme:
Selector | Description |
This selector applies to any BODY tag. |
#gWorkspace |
This selector applies to any tag having gWorkspace for id. |
.gGrid |
This selector applies to any tag having gGrid for class. |
.gMenu SPAN |
This selector applies to any SPAN tag which is a descendant of a tag having gMenu for class. |
INPUT.queryZone |
This selector applies to any INPUT tag having queryZone for class. |
.gToolBar .hover * |
This selector applies to any tag which is a descendant of a tag having hover for class and which is a descendant of a tag having gToolBar for class. |
You can merge common styles configurations by grouping selectors in a comma separated list:
selector1 , selector2 , selector3 { styles [...] }
For a complete reference for selector syntax, refer to the W3C site.
This section provides a list of selectors recognized by the Genero Web Client. It is divided into the following sections:
Selector | Description |
.gGrid |
The SPAN tag containing the grid |
.gGridLine |
A line of the grid |
Selector | Description |
.gTableBox |
The SPAN tag containing the table |
.gTable |
The TABLE tag |
.gTable col.gHidden |
A hidden table column |
.gTable TH .gTable THEAD TR TH |
A table header cell |
A table row |
.gTable TD |
A table cell |
.gTable TD * |
Any table cell descendant |
.gTable TD .gCurrentField |
The field having the focus in the table |
.gTable INPUT.gTableHeader |
A column input header; used to sort the table |
.gTable .disabledTableHeader |
A disabled table column header |
.gTable .disabled |
A disabled field of the table |
.gTable .gSortAsc |
An ascending sorted table column |
.gTable .gSortDesc |
A descending sorted table column |
.gTable .gCurrentRow * |
Any descendant of the currently selected row |
.gTable .gButtonEdit |
A ButtonEdit widget in the table |
.gTable .gAction |
An action item (ex: the button of a ButtonEdit widget) in the table |
.gTable .activeButtonEdit .gAction |
The action item of the currently active ButtonEdit widget in the table |
.gTable .activeButtonEdit .gButtonEdit |
The input part of the currently active ButtonEdit widget in the table |
.gFill .gTable |
A Grid Table once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
.gScrollGridBox |
The SPAN tag containing the scrollgrid |
.gScrollGrid |
The scrollgrid itself |
.gHLineBox HR |
A horizontal line in the scrollgrid |
Selector | Description |
.gGroupBox |
The SPAN tag containing the group |
.gGroup |
The container box of a group |
.gGroupTitle |
The title of a group |
Selector | Description |
.gFolder |
The DIV tag containing the folder pages |
Selector | Description |
.gFolder .gPageHeader |
A page header |
.gFolder .gPage |
A folder header |
.gFolder .selectedPageHeader |
The currently selected page header |
.gFolder .selectedPage |
The currently selected page |
Selector | Description |
.gHBox |
A HBOX container |
.gHBox TD |
A HBOX column |
Selector | Description |
.gVBox |
A VBOX container |
.gVBoxLine |
A VBOX line |
Selector | Description |
.gFormFieldBox |
The SPAN tag containing the formfield |
.gCurrentField |
The FormField having the input |
.gJustifyCenter |
A FormField having the JUSTIFY attribute set to center |
.gJustifyLeft |
A FormField having the JUSTIFY attribute set to left |
.gJustifyRight |
A FormField having the JUSTIFY attribute set to right |
.gShiftDown |
A FormField having the DOWNSHIFT attribute set |
.gShiftUp |
A FormField having the UPSHIFT attribute set |
.gNoEntry |
A FormField having the NOENTRY attribute set |
.gNotNull |
A FormField having the NOT NULL attribute set |
.gRequired |
A FormField having the REQUIRED attribute set |
.gTypeByte |
A FormField having the BYTE target type |
.gTypeChar |
A FormField having the CHAR target type |
.gTypeDate |
A FormField having the DATE target type |
.gTypeDatetime |
A FormField having the DATETIME target type |
.gTypeDecimal |
A FormField having the DECIMAL target type |
.gTypeFloat |
A FormField having the FLOAT target type |
.gTypeInteger |
A FormField having the INTEGER target type |
.gTypeInterval |
A FormField having the NTERVAL target type |
.gTypeMoney |
A FormField having the MONEY target type |
.gTypeSmallfloat |
A FormField having the SMALLFLOAT target type |
.gTypeSmallint |
A FormField having the SMALLINT target type |
.gTypeString |
A FormField having the STRING target type |
.gTypeText |
A FormField having the TEXT target type |
.gTypeVarchar |
A FormField having the VARCHAR target type |
.gVerify |
A FormField having the VERIFY attribute set |
Selector | Description |
.gEdit |
An Edit widget |
.gFill .gEdit |
An Edit widget once the Javascript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
.gTextEdit |
A TextEdit widget |
.gScrollbarHorizontal |
A TextEdit widget having the SCROLLBARS attribute set to horizontal |
.gScrollbarVertical |
A TextEdit widget having the SCROLLBARS attribute set to vertical |
.gFill .gTextEdit |
An TextEdit widget once the Javascript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
.gButtonBox |
The SPAN tag containing the button |
.gButtonBox .gAction |
The image or text for this button |
.pressedButtonBox |
A pressed button |
.gFill .gButtonBox |
A Button once the Javascript layout function has finished its processing |
.gFill .gHBoxTag .gButtonBox |
A Button in a Grid HBox tag once the Javascript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
.gButtonEdit |
A ButtonEdit widget |
.gFill .gButtonEdit |
An ButtonEdit widget once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
.gDateEdit |
A DateEdit widget |
.gFill .gDateEdit |
A DateEdit widget once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
.calendar |
The calendar widget |
.calendar THEAD .nav |
The calendar widget's navigation bar |
.calendar TD |
A calendar widget cell |
.calendar THEAD .nav .info |
The calendar widget's date |
.calendar THEAD .days TD |
The calendar widget's days bar |
.calendar THEAD .days .we |
Weekend days in the calendar widget's days bar |
.calendar TBODY TD |
A calendar widget's day number cell |
.calendar TBODY .hover |
A calendar widget's day number cell having the mouse over it |
.calendar TBODY .today |
Today's cell in the calendar widget |
.calendarIcon |
The DateEdit widget's calendar icon |
Selector | Description |
.gCheckBox .gFormFieldBox .gCheckBox |
A CheckBox widget |
.gTable TD .gCheckBox |
A CheckBox widget in a table |
.nullState |
A CheckBox widget having no state |
.checkedState |
A checked CheckBox widget |
.uncheckedState |
An unchecked CheckBox widget |
Selector | Description |
.gComboBox |
A ComboBox widget |
.comboboxEdit |
The ComboBox input field |
.comboboxButton |
The ComboBox button |
.comboboxList |
The ComboBox list of values |
.comboboxList DIV |
A ComboBox list item |
.comboboxList DIV.over |
The ComboBox list item having the focus |
.comboboxList DIV.selected |
The currently selected ComboBox list item |
.gCurrentField .comboboxEdit |
The ComboBox having the input |
.disabled .comboboxEdit |
A disabled ComboBox input field |
.disabled .comboboxButton |
A disabled ComboBox button |
.gQuery .comboboxEdit |
A ComboBox input in construct mode |
.gFill .comboboxEdit |
A ComboBox input once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
.gFill .gHBoxTag .comboboxEdit |
A ComboBox input in a Grid HBox tag once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
.gRadioGroup |
A RadioGroup widget |
.gOrientationHorizontal DIV |
An option of a RadioGroup widget having its ORIENTATION attribute set to horizontal |
Selector | Description |
.gLabel |
A form label |
.gFill .gLabelBox LABEL |
A static Label once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
.gFill .gHBoxTag .gLabelBox LABEL |
A static Label in a Grid HBox tag once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
Selector | Description |
INPUT.queryZone |
A formfield in construct mode |
INPUT.currentQueryZone |
The formfield in construct mode having the focus |
Selector | Description |
.gMenu |
The DIV tag containing the menu |
.gMenu SPAN |
The menu title |
.gMenu UL |
The menu actions container |
.gMenu LI |
A menu action |
.gMenu LI.hover |
A menu action having the mouse cursor over it |
.gMenu INPUT |
The image or text associated to the menu action |
.gMenu LI.gCurrentAction INPUT |
The image or text for the current menu action |
.gMenu LI.gHidden |
A hidden menu action |
.gStyleDialog IMG |
The image associated to a menu having the STYLE attribute set to Dialog |
Selector | Description |
.gDialog |
The DIV tag containing the action panel |
.gDialog UL |
The action panel container |
.gDialog LI |
An action |
.gDialog LI.hover |
An action having the mouse cursor over it |
.gDialog LI.gHidden |
A hidden action |
.gDialog INPUT |
The text associated to the action |
Selector | Description |
.gTopMenu |
The DIV tag containing the TopMenu |
.gTopMenu UL |
The container for the TopMenu list of top groups |
.gTopMenu LI |
A TopMenu top group |
.gTopMenu UL UL |
A TopMenu group's items lis |
.gTopMenu LI LI |
A TopMenu group item |
.gTopMenu UL UL UL |
A sub-group's items list |
.gTopMenu label |
The TopMenu text |
.gTopMenu .gAction |
The image or text for a TopMenu command |
.gTopMenu .hover |
The TopMenu item having the mouse cursor over it |
.gTopMenu HR |
A TopMenu separator |
.gTopMenu LI.gHidden |
A hidden TopMenu item |
Selector | Description |
.gToolBar |
The DIV tag containing the ToolBar |
.gToolBar UL |
The container for the ToolBar items |
.gToolBar LI |
A ToolBar item |
.gToolBar HR |
A ToolBar separator |
.gToolBar INPUT |
The image or text for a ToolBar item |
.gToolBar .hover |
The ToolBar item having the mouse cursor over it |
.gToolBar .hover * |
The image or text for a ToolBar item having the mouse cursor over it |
.gToolBar .pressed |
A pressed ToolBar item |
.gToolBar LI.gHidden |
A hidden ToolBar item |
Selector | Description |
#gMessage |
The P tag containing the message |
Selector | Description |
#gError |
The P tag containing the error message |
Selector | Description |
#gDialogForm |
The HTML form containing the workspace |
#gForm |
The container of the application's current form |
#gForm .gHidden |
Any hidden elements in the form |
#gFormTable |
The TABLE tag containing the form |
#gForm-div |
The DIV tag containing the form |
#gPanel |
The TD tag containing the action panel |
The BODY tag of the page |
.defaultButton |
An image for which the resource has not been found |
.disabled .disabled OPTION |
A disabled element of the application |
.gCurrentCell .disabled |
A disabled element of a screen array |
SELECT.gCurrentField |
The ComboBox widget having the focus |
.gStretchX |
An Image widget having the STRETCH attribute set to X |
.gStretchY |
An Image widget having the STRETCH attribute set to Y |
.gAutoScale |
An Image widget having the AUTOSCALE attribute set\ |
.gHLineBox HR |
A horizontal line |
.gFill .gHLineBox HR |
A horizontal line once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |
.gFill .gHBoxTag .gHLineBox HR |
A horizontal line in a Grid HBox tag once the JavaScript layout function has finished its processing |