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Migrating to GWC 2.10

If you have been working with the Genero Web Client prior to the release of GWC 2.10, you will have already done some configuration and possibly customization to deliver your Genero applications as Web applications using the initial built-in rendering engine. While that rendering engine will continue to render your applications, all new development and advances will be focused on the snippet-based rendering engine introduced with GWC 2.10.  It is recommended that you utilize this new rendering engine.


How to use the legacy built-in rendering engine

To deploy your application using the legacy built-in rendering engine, you need to ensure the OUTPUT_DRIVER is set to GWC.

To run a specific application with the legacy built-in rendering engine when the application is mapped to run with AJAX mode, you would modify the application's configuration file to use the GWC output driver instead of the GWC2 output driver.

In the following discussion, an application's configuration is updated, causing the application to be rendered using the legacy built-in rendering engine.

The original Edit.xcf:

01  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
02  <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc">
04      <PATH>$(res.path.fgldir.demo)/Widgets</PATH>
05    </EXECUTION>


  1. The rendering and theme components are not explicitly defined in this application configuration. This application therefore inherits the rendering and theme components of the 'defaultgwc' parent application. (Line 02)

Examine the configuration for the parent application 'defaultgwc', and you see that both the rendering and theme components are set to use GWC2 output driver and snippet-based themes.

From the as.xcf (the GAS configuration file provided in GWC installation package):

01  ...
02  <!--This is the default application for GWC--> 
03  <APPLICATION Id="defaultgwc" Parent="defaultwa" Abstract="TRUE"> 
04    <TIMEOUT Using="cpn.gwc.timeout.set1"/> 
05    <PICTURE Using="cpn.gwc.picture"/>
06    <OUTPUT Rule="UseGWC"> 
07      <MAP Id="DUA_Symbol-WC" Allowed="TRUE"> 
08        <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.xslt"/> 
09        <THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc"> 
10          <TEMPLATE Id="_default">$(res.theme.symbol-wc.stylesheet)</TEMPLATE> 
11        </THEME> 
12      </MAP> 
13      <MAP Id="DUA_GWC" Allowed="TRUE"> 
14        <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.gwc"/> 
15        <THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc"/> 
16      </MAP> 
17      <MAP Id="DUA_AJAX" Allowed="TRUE"> 
18        <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.gwc2" /> 
19        <THEME Using="cpn.theme.ajax.gwc" /> 
20      </MAP> 
21      <MAP Id="DUA_PAGE" Allowed="TRUE"> 
22        <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.gwc2" /> 
23        <THEME Using="" /> 
24      </MAP> 
25      <MAP Id="DUA_PDA" Allowed="TRUE"> 
26        <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.gwc2" /> 
27        <THEME Using="cpn.theme.pda.gwc" /> 
28      </MAP> 
29    </OUTPUT> 
31  ...


  1. This application is defined as an abstract application. This means its purpose or role is to provide a baseline of configuration settings to be inherited by other applications. (Line 03)
  2. In the MAP element, the rendering and theme for the AJAX mode is explicitly specified for this abstract application. (Lines 17 - 20)
  3. For the AJAX mode, the rendering component references the GWC2 rendering component. (Line 18)
  4. For the AJAX mode, the theme specifies the snippet-based theme for AJAX mode. (Line 19)

Modify the application's configuration to explicitly specify the legacy built-in rendering engine, overriding the GWC2 and snippet-based theme  settings inherited from the 'defaultgwc' application.

Modified Edit.xcf:

01  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
02  <APPLICATION Parent="defaultgwc"> 
03    <EXECUTION> 
04      <PATH>$(res.path.fgldir.demo)/Widgets</PATH> 
05    </EXECUTION> 
06    <OUTPUT Rule="UseGWC"> 
07      <MAP Id="DUA_AJAX" Allowed="TRUE"> 
08        <RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.gwc"/> 
09        <THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc"/> 
10      </MAP> 
11   </OUTPUT> 


  1. An OUTPUT element is added. You need an OUTPUT element to contain a MAP element. (Lines 06 - 11)
  2. In the MAP element, the rendering and theme for the AJAX mode is explicitly specified for this application. (Lines 07 - 10)
  3. For the AJAX mode, the rendering component references the GWC rendering component (Line 08)
  4. For the AJAX mode, the theme specifies the default theme, designed to work with the built-in rendering engine. (Line 09)

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Migrating to the snippet-based rendering engine

To take full advantage of the snippet-based rendering engine, you must follow the procedures outlined in this manual, regardless of whether or not you have previously deployed your application using the  pre-2.10 GWC.

If you have previously deployed the application with the pre-2.10 GWC, ensure you revisit the following:

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