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GAS Startup and Command Options

You configure the GAS through a configuration file. This configuration file can be the default configuration file ($FGLASDIR/etc/as.xcf) or a custom configuration file that is specified when the Genero Application Server is started. For more information about setting configuration parameters in the configuration file, refer to GAS Configuration File Overview.

Starting the GAS involves running the gasd command. This starts the gasd - the Genero Application Server daemon. When starting the GAS, you can specify options to provide additional information on how the application server is started, in addition to the settings in the configuration file, as well as providing information about the application server.

Summary of gasd command:

This tool (gasd) manages the Genero Application Server daemon and performs some configuration setting and checking.


gasd [options]


This option displays help information.
-p directory

--as-directory directory

This option allows you to specify the Genero Application Server directory.
This option validates the GAS configuration file and exits. Errors are displayed to error output.
This option explodes the GAS configuration file into separate files, one for each application, which are then stored in $FGLASDIR/tmp. Each file lists the entire configuration for an application, expanding the inherited components.
-f configuration_file

--configuration-file configuration_file
This option allows you to specify which configuration file to use when starting the Genero Application Server daemon (gasd). If not specified, the default configuration file ($FGLASDIR/etc/as.xcf) is used. 
This option skips the XSD validation phase for the configuration file.
The $FGLASDIR/etc/cfas.xsd file is the XML Schema Description file that documents the rules and constraints of the as.xcf syntax. You can use this file with an XML tool to validate the as.xcf file.
This option displays product information.
By default, template and snippet files are cached by the GAS daemon. Setting this option causes the GAS daemon to reload template and snippet files each time a new page is created. By setting this option, developers can see changes made to template and snippet files without having to restart the GAS daemon.
-d Unix Only !

Unix Only !
This option starts the daemon as a foreground process. When this option is omitted, the daemon is started as a background process.
-E name=value

--resource-overwrite name=value
This option overwrites the resource defined in the configuration file or creates a new one.
gasd -E res.dvm.wa=$FGLDIR/bin/myrun
If in the configuration file "res.dvm.wa" has another value it is now set to myrun. The final value is the one set in the option.
--resource-define name=value
This option declares a resource. If the declared resource exists in the configuration file, the final value of the resource is the one set in the configuration file. The resources can be set to any resource defined in the configuration files or the ones defined by the -E or --resource-overwrite options.
--service-install Windows Only !
This option installs Genero Application Server as a service and exits.
--service-uninstall Windows Only !
This option uninstalls the Genero Application Server as a service and exits.

This option displays version information.


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What does "address already in use"  mean ?

The message "address already in use" means that an appliction server (gasd) has already been started on the same port. Check in the AS configuration file (default $FGLASDIR/as.xcf ) to identify the port where the application server (gasd) started. The port number is identified in the following section:

The default port specified is 6394 - derived by adding the base port (6300) to the port offset (94). Set the values to a port which is not used by another application.


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