Propagating Containers (Mini Pages)

Mini Page

Container: Mini Page. This container formats the report page into lines and columns.

A Mini Page is a propagating box. The boxes can handle unknown amounts of material; if the box is full, a copy is made and the leftover material flows to the copy or copies, as needed. A MiniPage cannot be used as a container for a page header, page footer, or separator.

Page Root (Mini Page)

Container: Mini Page. Page Root is the recommended base container when you start creating a report. It is a Mini Page with the height and width properties set to maximum. The container propagates; if it is full, a copy is generated and the extra content overflows to the copy.

Stripe (MiniPage)

Container: Mini Page. This container has the y-size property set to "max". This container is recommended for content that stretches horizontally across the report page (lines in a report, for example.) The container propagates; if it is full, a copy is generated and the extra content overflows to the copy.

Horizontal Box, Vertical Box (Mini Page)

Container: Mini Page. These containers have their orientation ( layoutDirection swapXproperty) set to display the box content horizontally (lefttoright) or vertically (toptobottom). The containers propagate; if a container is full, a copy is generated and the extra content overflows to the copy.


These properties are specific to Mini Page:

Hide PageHeader OnLastPage, Hide PageFooter OnLastPage

Additional properties are inherited from Propagating Box and Layout Node. The property floatingBehavior allows you to specify whether the parent container will resize itself so that this Mini Page object is enclosed in the parent.