Meta-schema properties

Properties can be set for each element in a meta-schema.

Table 1. Meta-schema properties
Property Description
name The name property identifies the name of the item.
active The active property indicates that the record participates in the application code generation. It is checked by default when a managed form (4fdm) is created. When a record is inactive, it does not provide the modeling features and cannot be or be linked to a master record.
order Position in the record.
dataType The dataType property specifies the data type of the item.
length Defines the maximum length of the character string. The upper limit is 65534.
notNull The notNull property specifies that the field does not accept NULL values.
defaultValue The defaultValue property assigns a default value to a field during data entry.
label Specifies the default label for a form item using the column.
widget Widgets are designed for data handling, action triggering, or decoration. Specify the default widget for a form item using the column.
table Table that contains the foreign key.
fkColumns The table column that references the primary key column in the referenced table.
refTable The table that contains the primary key being referenced.
fkRefColumns The name of the primary key column in the referenced table.
cascadeDelete A foreign key with a cascade delete specifies that if a row in the parent table is deleted, then the corresponding rows in the child tables are automatically deleted.
precision For decimal data types; defines the number of significant digits (limit is 32, default is 16).
scale For decimal data types; defines the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.