
Image items define areas where a picture file can be displayed.

Images can be either static or dynamic formFields.


This figure shows an example of an Image widget.

Figure 1. Image


autoScale, comment, hidden, style, stretch, tag

Static Image only: image

Image Field only: color, colorCondition, fontPitch, justify, sizePolicy, sample


A Static Image displays an image that has its source file defined by the image property. This type of image item must be used to display text that does not change often, such as background pictures or logos. The item is not a formField. The image file can be changed from the BDL program by using the API provided to manipulate the user interface (see the Genero Business Development Language User Guide topic Dynamic User Interface for more details). It is not possible to change the image with a DISPLAY TO instruction.
A formField Image is a widget that gets the image file based on the underlying formField. The value of the formField is the image file specified with a URL. The formField can be associated with a database column by changing the fieldType property to TABLE_COLUMN, and specifying the sqltabName and colName properties. This type of image item must be used to display values that change often during program execution, like database information. The picture can be changed from the BDL program by using the DISPLAY TO instruction to set the value of the field.