Business records (data sets)

Business records model the data definition, structure and table relationships of the data used in a form, report, and/or web service. Business records are designed and modified in the Business Records diagram.

Business records for forms model the data definition, structure, and table relationships required to generate the different CRUD operations for the form. When you design a form, a record is automatically created for each container on the form. The Records tab displays the screen record for the form in the Business Records diagram, showing of all the database field names that make up the fields on the form itself.
Business records for reports (4rd) contain the data definition, structure, and table relationships required to generate a rdd (Report Data definition file). The rdd file is used in conjunction with a Genero report definition (4rp) file to automatically generate the reports. A 4rd file opens in the Business Record diagram.
Business records for web services (4ws) contain the data definition, structure, and table relationships required to generate the different CRUD operations for the web service. A 4ws file opens in the Business Record diagram.

Business records inherit their default information from the meta-schema from which they were created.