The samples directory contains demo files, programs, and databases.
The default location for the sample files is
My Documents/My Genero
- Hello World
- Contains the HelloWorld.4pw project, which has the source code for the very
simple Hello World application.
- Office Store
- Contains the OfficeStore.4pw project which is an application generated
using Business Application Modeling (BAM). It uses the officestore sample database.
- WebComponentChart
- Contains the WebComponentChart.4pw project, which has the source code for
including a charting Web Component within a Genero application.
- HTML5ClientTutorial
- Contains the HTML5ClientTutorial project files, which demonstrate
customization of a web application.
- Reports
- Contains the Reports.4pw project, which has a set of example programs that
create reports using Genero Report Writer.
- DSConfig
- Contains the DSConfig.4pw project, which has the program source code to
complete an fglprofile configuration file with the necessary information for a database selected by
the user. An fglprofile file already exists for the sample databases, but you
must create one if you choose to use your own database.
- databases
- Contains directories for the sample SQLlite databases custdemo and officestore.
The directories also contain schema filesand a program file with the necessary SQL commands to
recreate the databases for your own database software, if desired. These files are grouped in
project files, OfficeStoreSetup.4pw and CustDemoSetup.4pw.
- BDL tutorial
- Contains the BDLTutorial.4pw project, which has a set of tutorial programs
that illustrate the use of the Genero Business Development Language (BDL), to be used in conjunction
with the BDL Tutorial.
The necessary data for the sample programs is stored in the provided SQLite databases.
Open the project for one of the samples to examine and execute the sample programs. From the
Genero Studio Welcome Page,
select the Tutorials and Samples tab. Links to open the sample projects are
displayed under Samples and Demos.