GRW Reference / Reporting API Functions |
Use these functions to change the default settings for a report, and to configure output and printers. The functions are provided as part of the libgre.42x library.
Function | Description |
fgl_report_createProcessLevelDataFile( dataFileName STRING ) RETURNING driver om.SaxDocumentHandler |
Configures the report execution to output an XML datafile. |
fgl_report_setProcessLevelDataFile( dataFileName STRING ) |
Configures the report execution to output an XML datafile in addition to the regular processing. |
fgl_report_runReportFromProcessLevelDataFile( out om.SaxDocumentHandler, fileName STRING ) RETURNING ok INTEGER |
Runs a report from a process level file. |
fgl_report_runFromXML( dataFileName STRING) RETURNING ok INTEGER |
Replays the report from an XML file. |
Function | Description |
fgl_report_findResourcePath( reportName STRING ) |
Returns the path to a resource searching first FGLRESOURCEPATH, then FGLDBPATH and finally DBPATH. (deprecated!) |
Function | Description |
fgl_report_setPageMargins( topMargin STRING, bottomMargin STRING, leftMargin STRING, rightMargin STRING) |
Configure the logical margins of a report. |
fgl_report_setPaperMargins( topMargin STRING, bottomMargin STRING, leftMargin STRING, rightMargin STRING ) |
Configure the physical margins of a report. |
fgl_report_configureLabelOutput( paperWidth STRING, paperHeight STRING, labelWidth STRING, labelHeight STRING, labelsPerRow INTEGER, labelsPerColumn INTEGER) |
Configures the physical layout of a label page. |
fgl_report_configureMultipageOutput( pageExponent STRING, isoNumber INTEGER, portrait BOOLEAN ) |
Configure the multipage output for ISO or JIS formats. |
fgl_report_selectLogicalPageMapping( mapping STRING ) |
Configures the mapping of logical pages to physical pages. |
fgl_report_configurePageSize( pageWidth STRING, pageHeight STRING) |
Set values for the page height and page width for Genero BDL ASCII reports being run in graphical mode. |
fgl_report_setPageSwappingThreshold( value INTEGER ) |
Sets the threshold for page-to-disk swapping. |
Function | Description |
fgl_report_selectDevice( device STRING ) |
Select the output device. |
fgl_report_selectPreview( preview INTEGER ) |
Select preview mode. |
fgl_report_configurePDFDevice( fontDirectory STRING, antialiasFonts BOOLEAN, antialiasShapes BOOLEAN, monochrome BOOLEAN, fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER) |
Configure the PDF output. |
fgl_report_configurePDFFontEmbedding( preferUnicodeEncoding BOOLEAN ) |
Configure the font embedding in PDF output. |
fgl_report_configureSVGDevice( antialiasFonts BOOLEAN, antialiasShapes BOOLEAN, embedFonts BOOLEAN, charsetToEmbed STRING ) |
Configure the SVG output. |
fgl_report_configureSVGPreview( preview STRING) |
Select SVG preview mode or other print options. |
fgl_report_configureHTMLDevice( fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER, embedImages INTEGER, imageGenerationDirectory STRING, imageURLPrefix STRING, removeWhitespace INTEGER, ignoreRowAlignment INTEGER, ignoreColumnAlignment INTEGER, removeBackgroundImages INTEGER ) |
Configure the HTML output. |
fgl_report_configureXLSDevice( fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER, removeWhitespace INTEGER, ignoreRowAlignment INTEGER, ignoreColumnAlignment INTEGER, removeBackgroundImages INTEGER, mergePages INTEGER ) |
Configure the XLS (Excel) output. |
fgl_report_setXLSMergeCells ( mergeCells BOOLEAN) |
Configure cell merging in XLS (Excel) output. |
fgl_report_configureXLSXDevice ( fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER, removeWhitespace INTEGER, ignoreRowAlignment INTEGER, ignoreColumnAlignment INTEGER, removeBackgroundImages INTEGER, mergePages INTEGER) |
Configure Excel output in XLSX format. |
fgl_report_setXLSXMergeCells ( mergeCells BOOLEAN) |
Configure cell merging in XLSX (Excel) output. |
fgl_report_configureRTFDevice( fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER, imagesResolution INTEGER, imagesFormat STRING ) |
Configure RTF output for Microsoft. |
fgl_report_configureOORTFDevice ( fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER, imagesResolution INTEGER, imagesFormat STRING ) |
Configure RTF output for Open Office. |
fgl_report_setRTFMemoryThreshold ( memoryThreshold INTEGER) |
Set the RTF memory threshold. |
fgl_report_configureImageDevice ( antialiasFonts BOOLEAN, antialiasShapes BOOLEAN, monochrome BOOLEAN, fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER, fileType STRING, filePath STRING, fileNamePrefix STRING, resolution INTEGER) |
Configure the image output. |
fgl_report_configureCompatibilityOutput( pageWidthInCharacters INTEGER, fontName STRING, fidelity BOOLEAN, reportName NULL, reportCategory STRING, systemId STRING) |
Configure the output for BDL ASCII reports (compatibility reports) being run in graphical mode using Genero Report Writer. |
fgl_report_configureAutoformatOutput( fontName STRING, fontSize INTEGER, fidelity BOOLEAN, reportTitle STRING, fieldNamePatterns STRING, systemId STRING ) |
Configure the output when auto-formatting is enabled.. |
fgl_report_setAutoformatType( type STRING ) |
Sets the auto-formatting type if no 4rp template is specified. |
fgl_report_configureLocalization( charSet STRING, resourcePath STRING, numberFormat STRING, dateFormat STRING) |
Configures the localization for the current report. |
fgl_report_setCallbackLocalization( share BOOLEAN ) |
Configure the report to use a function to retrieve localized field titles. |
fgl_report_setOutputFileName( fileName STRING ) |
Configure the file location of device output. |
fgl_report_setPDFJPEGImageEncoding( encodeImagesAsJPEG STRING, jpegQuality BOOLEAN ) |
Configure the encoding method of embedded images in PDF output. |
fgl_report_setPDFImageResolution( imagesResolution INTEGER ) |
Configure the resolution of embedded images in PDF output. |
fgl_report_setSharePortWithGDC( share BOOLEAN) |
Configures the report engine to use the same port as the Genero Desktop Client for previewing. |
fgl_report_setSVGCompression( compressOutput BOOLEAN) |
Configure SVG compression. |
fgl_report_setSVGCopies( copies INTEGER) |
Specify the number of copies to be printed. |
fgl_report_setSVGOrientationRequested( orientationRequested String) |
Function to control the paper orientation. |
fgl_report_setSVGPageRange( fromPage INTEGER, toPage INTEGER ) |
Select which pages should be printed. |
fgl_report_setSVGPaperSource( paperSource STRING) |
Select the input source of the printer. |
fgl_report_setSVGPrinterName( printerName STRING ) |
Select a specific printer by name. |
fgl_report_setSVGSheetCollate ( sheetCollate STRING ) |
Control the collation of multiple copies. |
fgl_report_stopGraphicalCompatibilityMode() |
Restore text-based report output. |
fgl_report_setImageShrinkImagesToPageContent( value BOOLEAN ) |
Configure image cropping. |
fgl_report_setImageUsePageNamesAsFileNames( value BOOLEAN ) |
Configure image file name generation. |
Function | Description |
fgl_report_setPrinterChromaticity( chromaticity STRING ) |
Control color selection of the printer. |
fgl_report_setPrinterCopies( copies INTEGER ) |
Specify the number of copies to be printed. |
fgl_report_setPrinterDestinationUrl( destination STRING ) |
Specify an alternate destination for the spooled printer formatted data. |
fgl_report_setPrinterFidelity( fidelity INTEGER ) |
Select printer high fidelity mode. |
fgl_report_setPrinterJobImpressions( jobImpressions INTEGER ) |
Specify the total size in number of impressions. |
fgl_report_setPrinterJobMediaSheets( jobMediaSheets INTEGER ) |
Specify the total number of media sheets. |
fgl_report_setPrinterJobName( jobName STRING ) |
Specify a name for the job. |
fgl_report_setPrinterJobPriority( jobPriority INTEGER) |
Specify a priority for the job. |
fgl_report_setPrinterJobSheets( jobSheets STRING) |
Control job sheet printing. |
fgl_report_setPrinterMediaName( mediaTray STRING) |
Select the type of media to use. |
fgl_report_setPrinterMediaSizeName( mediaSizeName STRING ) |
Select the media size to be used. |
fgl_report_setPrinterMediaTray( mediaTray STRING) |
Select the tray of the printer. |
fgl_report_setPrinterName( printerName STRING) |
Select a specific printer by name. |
fgl_report_setPrinterNumberUp( numberUp INTEGER ) |
Specify the number of print stream pages for a single side of an instance. |
fgl_report_setPrinterOrientationRequested( orientationRequested STRING) |
Control the paper orientation. |
fgl_report_setPrinterPageRanges( pageRanges STRING ) |
Specify the ranges of pages to print. |
fgl_report_setPrinterPrintQuality( printQuality STRING ) |
Control the quality used by the printer. |
fgl_report_setPrinterRequestingUserName( requestingUserName STRING ) |
Specify end user's name. |
fgl_report_setPrinterResolution( resolution INTEGER ) |
Specify an exact resolution for the printer. |
fgl_report_setPrinterSheetCollate( sheetCollate STRING) |
Controls the collation of multiple copies. |
fgl_report_setPrinterSides( sides STRING) |
Specify the mapping of pages on the physical media. |
fgl_report_setPrinterWriteToFile( file STRING) |
Specify a file where the report is written in postscript. (deprecated!) |
Function | Description |
fgl_report_configureDistributedProcessing( host STRING, port INTEGER ) |
Configure processing via a dedicated server. |
Configure the environment in the case of distributed processing. |
fgl_report_setDistributedRequestingUserName( requestingUserName STRING ) |
Specify end user's name for the purpose of identifying log entries in the case of distributed processing. |