Business Application Modeling error messages

Table 1. Business Application Modeling Error Messages
Number Description
GS-13001 Cannot load file.

The file cannot be loaded; depending on the error, the message can change:

  • Unknown node: an unknown node is present in the settings file
  • Cannot register node: a node cannot be added to the file format (it's invalid or already present)
  • Empty extension: a required file extension is empty.

Check file path, format and permissions.

GS-13002 Cannot save file.

Check file path, format and permissions.

GS-13003 Template not found.

Check template directory path.

GS-13004 Unknown item %1.

The setting.agconf template file format is incorrect. Validate it using the XML schema (or open it in Code Editor) and fix the errors.

GS-13006 settings.agconf version %1 is not supported, use version %2.

Modify setting.agconf to match version 2 XML schema.


%1 BLOCK(S) or POINT(S) end tag is(are) missing.

Fix the BLOCK / POINT..


Incorrect end BLOCK or POINT tag type.

Fix the BLOCK / POINT.


End BLOCK or POINT tag does not correspond to an open tag.

Fix the BLOCK / POINT.

GS-13010 %1 with name %2 is already defined.

Rename the BLOCK / POINT.

GS-13011 A BLOCK or POINT cannot be a child of a POINT tag.

Rename the BLOCK / POINT.

GS-13012 Renamed %1: %2 to %3.

Preprocessor message that a BLOCK / POINT has been renamed:


%2 = old BLOCK / POINT name

%3 = new BLOCK / POINT name

GS-13013 Lost %1: %2.


%2 = BLOCK / POINT name

GS-13014 Adding entries outside BLOCK or POINT not allowed.

Add a BLOCK / POINT in the templates or remove your code.

GS-13015 $(agcomp) is deprecated, please prefer using $(generate), tclsh and $(blockpoint) commands.

Modify the build rule to use the new commands.

GS-13016 Modified %1: %2.


%2 = BLOCK / POINT name

GS-13017 Unknown property.

An unknown property has been set in the settings file. Remove the property or change its name.

GS-13019 Cannot open file : extraction load failed.

Check the rights on the generated source file.

GS-13020 Cannot open file : injection save failed.

Check the rights on the generated source file.

GS-13021 Cannot open file : update load failed.

Check the rights on the generated source file.

GS-13022 Cannot open file : update save failed.

Check the rights on the code file.

GS-13023 Code file load failed.

Check the rights on the code file or check that the code file contains valid XML content.

GS-13024 Unknown argument %1 to Application Generator Block & Point task.

The command $(blockpoint) contains an unknown argument in the build rule. Check the argument %1 of $(blockpoint) command in the build rule.

GS-13025 Missing -depth int argument to Application Generator compilation task.

The Application Generator build rule requires the –depth argument in the $generate command. Add the –depth argument to the $(generate) command in Application Generator build rules.  

GS-13026 Invalid -depth argument for Application Generator compilation task, required positive integer or 'unlimited'.The $(generate) command requires a positive number (or keyword unlimited). Fix the argument in the build rule command.
GS-13027 Unknown argument %1 to Application Generator compilation task.

Command or tclsh or $(agcomp) contains an unknown argument in the build rule. Check the argument %1 of $(generate) or tclsh or $(agcomp) command in the build rules.

GS-13028 Invalid -endComment string argument, it cannot be used without -startComment string argument.

The command $(blockpoint) contains an –endComment argument without –startComment argument in the build rules. Remove the –endComment argument or add a –startComment argument in the build rule.  

GS-13029 Error decoding %1 using codec %2 (encoding=%3)

The file contents cannot be decoded with the codec, the encoding specified in the environment does not correspond to the file and it cannot be read. Change the encoding so that it supports all the file characters.

GS-13030 Error encoding %1 using codec %2 (encoding=%3)

The file contents cannot be encoded with the codec, the encoding specified in the environment does not correspond to the file and it cannot be written to. Change the encoding so that it supports all the file characters.

GS-13031 Missing codec for encoding %1

There is no default text codec for the specified encoding. Use another alias for this encoding, update encodingMap.xml, or add a new POSIX charmap.

GS-13032 Malformed BLOCK/POINT start tag

The BLOCK/POINT start tag has a wrong syntax. Restore the right syntax.

GS-13033 Unexpected characters outside text blocks : %1

Some characters have changed outside the topmost block, which is not supported. Insert a new toplevel block around the code you want to modify and regenerate the code.

GS-13034 Missing argument -code in the $(BlockPoint) command

The $(BlockPoint) command is used with multiple generated files, the –code argument is mandatory. Add the –code argument.

GS-13035 Missing files in the $(BlockPoint) command

The $(BlockPoint) command is used without generated files arguments. Add the generated files list.

GS-13036 %1 contains code not managed in the $(BlockPoint) command

Some file managed by the .code were not updated by the $(BlockPoint) command, the .code is not completely up to date. Add the missing files to the command line in the build rule or remove the old file from the .code if they are no longer useful.

GS-13037 .code file version %1 is not supported

The current version of Genero Studio does not support this version of .code file.

Upgrade Genero Studio.

GS-13038 .code file encoding %1 differs with current one

The .code file encoding is not the same as the build encoding, the resulting files may be incorrect.

Change the build encoding (the LANG variable for example) to match the .code file encoding or rewrite the .code file with the current encoding.

GS-13100 The 'Open Mode' property is not set.

The Open Mode property value is empty. The available values are: DISPLAY, MODIFY, ADD, SEARCH and EMPTY. Check settings.agconf and ensure that the initialValue attribute of the <DynamicProperty> node having name = "openMode" contains one of the available values.

GS-13101 The 'Action' property is mandatory.

The Action property is mandatory when a relation is defined between modules (4fdm to 4fdm) or between module and zoom (4fdm to 4fdz) and the relation type=Relation. Check that the Type property of the relation is Relation. Check that the Action property of the relation is not empty.

GS-13102 No report file is defined. Default layout will be used.

If the Report File property is empty, the default layout (ASCII mode) will be used when a relation is defined between a module and a report (4fdm to 4rd) and the relation type=ReportRelation. This is a warning message. Check that the Type property of the relation is ReportRelation. Check that the Report File property of the relation is not empty.

GS-13103 The 'Type' property of the relation is invalid.

The type of relation is not valid between entities: module (4fdm), program (4prg), zoom (4fdz), report (4rd). Check the Type property of the supported relation and ensure that the relation is supported.

GS-13104 The relation is not supported.

Check the entity relations.

GS-13105 Any relation to a program is not supported.

Check the entity relations.

GS-13106 The 'Report file' property contains an absolute path. Prefer a relative path.

Absolute paths are not recommended because the project will not be portable. Use a relative path. Be sure that your Genero environment variables are correctly set to search for your resource files.

GS-13107 A unique key field can only be defined on the master table.

All fields making up the unique key of a record must be fields of the master table of the record. Uncheck the Unique Key property of fields which are not of the master table of the record.

GS-13108 Duplicate table name in the FROM clause.

The joins between a pair of tables must have the same join operator. Check that there are not multiple join operators for the same pair of tables.

GS-13109 Field updated via ascending lookup is mandatory in the record.

The field that is updated via an ascending lookup is mandatory in the master table of the record. Add the field to the master table of the record. Currently, the field is only defined in the Query clause of the record. If you don't want to see this field on your form, use the phantom widget. Or, delete the lookup property of the field which triggers the ascending lookup.

GS-13110 Multiple master records are not supported. Define a relation between records.

When there are several records in a managed Form, only one can be the master. This error occurs when at least one record is not linked by a relation. In the Records view, check that all records are linked by a relation.

GS-13111 Invalid relation, primaryField and foreignField must have same number of fields.

A relation must have the same number of primary fields and foreign fields. Modify the relation fields so that a primary field corresponds to each foreign field.

GS-13112 The 'zoom' action in the Toolbar/TopMenu won't be generated, an action is already named 'zoom'.

Rename your action to a name other than zoom.

GS-13113 Several relations use the same action name.

Rename action names to use unique names.

GS-13114 SQL statement 'FULL OUTER JOIN' is vendor proprietary SQL syntax.
GS-13115 Invalid filename. A filename must be a BDL identifier.

Filename of 4prg, 4fdm, 4fdz, 4rd contains invalid characters. Identifiers must confirm to these rules:

  • It must include at least one character, without any limitation in size.

  • Only ASCII letters, digits, and underscore ( _ ) symbols are valid.

  • No blanks, hyphens, and other non-alphanumeric characters.

  • The initial character must be a letter or an underscore.

  • It is recommended to always write identifiers in lower case.

Rename the file to a valid file name.

GS-13116 Several comboboxes use the same initializer name.

Make all initializer names unique.

GS-13117 A combobox is possibly not initialized.

Set the initializer or the items property of the combobox.

GS-13118 Table $1 unused in query.

A database table is used in the record, but there is no join for it in the query. Add a join for the table in the record query.


Duplicated joins are forbidden in the query.

Remove the duplicated joins.

GS-13120 Building $1 generates an XML file (version=$2) which cannot be handled by the templates (version=$3).

The build process of the file ($1) has been aborted because the intermediate XML file has a version ($2) which mismatches the template version ($3).

Use a valid template set defined in Application Generator Preferences. Verify build rules for the appropriate file type.

GS-13121 The $1 property is not supported.

In the Business Application diagram, the openMode or defaultMode property defined on a relation between a CRUD Form and a Zoom Form is not supported. Only DISPLAY and SEARCH values are currently supported on a Zoom. Change the openMode or defaultMode property to a supported value.


The $1 property is missing in settings.agconf.

The build process has been aborted because the $1 dynamicProperty is missing in the settings.agconf configuration file.

Check settings.agconf and confirm:

  • The <DynamicProperty> node with name=”$1” is defined in the <BusinessApplication> section.
  • The dynamicProperties attribute of the item raising the error contains $1.
GS-13123 No CRUD function will be generated for the $1 table because no primary key has been defined.

A primary key needs to be defined for the given table in order to have its CRUD functions generated when compiling the database schema.

GS-13124 Record functionalities are incompatible with the $1 property value ($2).

On a CRUD Form, if the openMode or defaultMode property is ADD, the master record must have the functionality canAdd activated. On a Zoom Form, if the openMode or defaultMode property is MODIFY (respectively SEARCH), at least one record must have the functionality canModify (respectively canSearch) activated.

Change the openMode or defaultMode property value or change the functionality of the record.

GS-13125 $1 doesn't exist or is not unique$2, please have a look in the XML intermediate file.

An XPath cannot be resolved. Check the XML intermediate file.

GS-13126 The number of source fields defined on the relation doesn't match the number of unique key fields defined in the destination item.

Change the number of source fields defined on the relation.

GS-13127 Destination fields defined on a relation to a zoom are unused in the code generation.

The destination fields defined on a Zoom relation will not appear in the generated 4gl code.

GS-13128 The table 'seqreg' is missing in your database schema, therefore SERIAL fields cannot be handled by the templates.

A database schema field of datatype SERIAL can only be handled by using the seqreg table. This table contains a list of table names and values, a value is the last SERIAL created for a given table name. In case the couple (table name, last value) does not exist, a new record will be created and the SERIAL value will start at 1.

Create the table seqreg in your database schema file.
GS-13129 Multiple SERIAL fields for the table $1 cannot be handled by the templates.

Only one SERIAL field can be managed per database table. This is inherent to the seqreg table.

Modify the table in you database schema file.
GS-13130 Business Application diagram is missing in the project.

Add a Business Application Diagram to the project.

GS-13131 Unique key must be a database primary or secondary key of the master table.

All fields making up the unique key of a record must be either a database primary key or secondary key of the master table (unique constraint).

Change the unique key property of fields which are not a database primary key or secondary key of the master table or update the 4dbx schema.

GS-13132 Missing master table for $1 record.

Select a table in the master table property.

GS-13133 The field $1 defined on the relation does not exist in Records view.

In the Business Application diagram, when a relation is defined between items, the Source Field and the Destination Field must exist in the Records view.

Check the Source Field and/or Destination Field property of the relation or open the appropriate item and add the missing fields.

GS-13134 Invalid relation, Source and Destination must have same number of fields.

In the Business Application diagram, a relation between Forms must have the same number of fields in the Source Field and Destination Field.

Check  the Source Field and/or Destination Field property of the relation.

GS-13136 The Service Name property is mandatory.

The property Service Name of a WebService item must have a value in the Business Application Diagram.

Set the Service Name property value.

GS-13137 The Namespace property is mandatory. The property Namepace of a WebService Server item in a Business Application diagram must have a value.

Set the Namespace property value.


Several web services use the same name.

Any web service registered to the same Web Service Server must have an unique name.

Ensure that the property Name of a web service is unique.

GS-13139 The $1 action is a reserved action name.

In the Business Application Diagram, when a relation is defined between items, the Action property can not be a reserved action name. The list of reserved action names is defined in the action defaults file (dbapp.4ad).

Set the value of the Action property to a non-reserved action name.

GS-13141 $1 - Check LANG variable or add entry in file encoding.tcl where $1 is the value of the unsupported encoding

The LANG environment variable is set, but the encoding part is either invalid (change the value of the LANG environment variable) or not present in the supported encoding array (add an entry in encoding.tcl).