Create a form

You can create new forms in Form Designer.

Confirm that you have added the Meta-schema file (4db) to your project so that you can add data fields to your form.
  1. Select File >> New, Genero Files and choose a form from Sources.
    Option Description
    Form from Database (4fdm) Use wizard to select schema, columns and container from which to build new form.
    Form (4fd) Create a blank form (4fd).
    Form as Text (per) Create a blank text form file (per).
  2. From the form design tab, Add a container. Form items must be in Containers.
  3. Add form items. Within a container you can drag-and-drop various form items such as Widgets.
  4. Each form and form item has properties that control its appearance and behavior. Set properties in the Properties view.
  5. Save the form to the file system and/or project with File >> Save or File >> Save As...
  6. Preview the form with Build >> Preview to validate that it conforms to Genero rules and see how it will look to users.
  7. Compile the form with Build >> Compile File. You can also compile your form from Project Manager as part of a Build of an entire application.