Create a new Program entity called Start in the BA diagram.
Open the settings.agconf file in your template directory.
Find the BusinessApplication section. Add a new
DynamicProperty and Item. In the Item element,
define a new Program item with a name, extension,
label, icon and dynamicProperties attribue values
of your choice. The value of the dynamicProperties attribute corresponds with the
name attribute in the DynamicProperty element.
label="myProp" />
label="New Start item"
dynamicProperties="myProp" />
Save the changes.
Select to reload the modified template file.
Select the Library node in your project and right-click. Select to create a new 4ba.
Right-click on the BA diagram to see and select a new Start item. Save
the 4ba file to your project directory (not the template directory).
The item cannot yet be implemented because the new file type (4srt) has
not yet been defined.