Back to Contents | GAS Configuration File Overview
An Execution component prepares the runtime environment for an application or Web service, defining execution rules and setting the execution environment. An Execution component is referenced in an application by its unique identifier, set by the Id attribute.
The WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT creates a Web application execution component, which defines a set of execution parameters that are used when starting the Web application. It takes an attribute Id, which specifies the unique identifier for this set of execution definitions. It is this unique identifier that is referenced by an application, providing that application with a base set of execution parameters. The attribute AllowUrlParameters defines whether the parameters provided on the command line should be ignored ("FALSE", default value) or provided to the DVM ("TRUE").
<WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT Id="compId" [ AllowUrlParameters="allowParam" ] >
[ <PATH> path </PATH> ]
[ <DVM> dvm </DVM> ]
[ <MODULE> module </MODULE> ]
[ <PARAMETERS> parameterSettings </PARAMETERS> ]
The WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT element may contain the following child elements (described below):
The SERVICE_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT creates a Web service execution component, which defines a set of execution parameters that are used when starting the Web service. It takes an attribute Id, which specifies the unique identifier for this set of execution definitions. It is this unique identifier that is referenced by a Web service, providing that Web service with a base set of execution parameters.
[ <PATH> path </PATH> ]
[ <DVM> dvm </DVM> ]
[ <MODULE> module </MODULE> ]
[ <PARAMETERS> parameterSettings </PARAMETERS> ]
[ <POOL> poolSettings </POOL> ]
The SERVICE_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT element may contain the following child elements (described below):
The ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE element provides the value to be set for an environment variable. It takes an attribute Id, which specifies the name of the environment variable. Prior to starting the application, the environment variable is set using this information.
In this example, the environment variable FGLGUI is set to 1.
The CGI transmits the environment variables it receives from the web server to the GAS. Each environment variable is prefixed by FGL_WEBSERVER_ for the DVM environment
The PATH element specifies the current working directory for the application module.
The DVM element specifies the name of the Dynamic Virtual Machine you want to use to start and run the application. Typically this value is fglrun for Unix Systems (UNX) and fglrun.exe for Windows NT/2000/XP (WNT).
The MODULE element specifies the application module name (the name of the .42r module you want to run). If omitted, the Genero Application Server uses the name of the requested application.
While this element can be specified as part of an execution component, it is typically defined at the application level.
The AUTHENTICATION element specifies the type of authentication to be used for the application. At this time, only Kerberos is supported.
While this element can be specified as part of an execution component, it is typically defined at the application level.
The PARAMETERS element specifies the parameters to provide on the DVM command line. To enable URL parameters, in the EXECUTION tag, set the AllowUrlParameters attribute of the to TRUE.
[ <PARAMETER> parameterValue </PARAMETER> [...] ]
If URL parameters are allowed, these parameters are listed after the ones defined in the configuration file.
The POOL element sets the limitations regarding the number of Virtual Machines that are attached to a Web Service. You specify three values within a POOL element: the number of Virtual Machines to start when the Genero Application Server starts, the minimum number of Virtual Machines to have alive while the Genero Application Server is running, and the maximum number of Virtual Machines to have alive while the Genero Application Server is running.
Note: The POOL element is only available for Web Services.
[ <START> startValue </START> ]
maxValue </MAX_AVAILABLE> ]
The POOL element may contain the following child elements (described below):
In this example, 5 Virtual Machines are started to service the Web service when the Genero Application Server starts; the number can fall as low as 3 Virtual Machines or raise as high as 10 Virtual Machines. For more information on setting service pool elements, refer to the Service Pool section of the Deployment Architecture for Web Services topic.
The START element specifies the number of Virtual Machines to start for this Web Service when the Genero Application Server starts.
The MIN_AVAILABLE element specifies the minimum number of available Virtual Machine to be attached to a Web Service. It can be either less than or greater than the value specified by START. If START > MIN_AVAILABLE, based on the setting of DVM_FREE, the number of DVMs can decrease to reach MIN_AVAILABLE.
The MAX_AVAILABLE element specifies the maximum number of available Virtual Machines to be attached to a Web Service.