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Application List Reference (Defining Applications)

For each application to be serviced by the Genero Application Server, you must provide the details for that application in either the Genero Application Server configuration file or in an external application server configuration file. This section of the documentation outlines the rules for writing the XML that defines an application; for information about the general process of defining applications and groups, refer to the Adding Applications for Genero Web Client or Genero Desktop Client section of this manual.

For information about configuring for Web applications, refer to the Defining Web Services section of this manual.


The APPLICATION_LIST element provides a list of groups and Web applications (for those Web applications defined within the Genero Application Server configuration file). It takes an attribute MaxLicenseConsumption, which takes an integer specifying the maximum number of licenses that can be consumed.


<APPLICATION_LIST MaxLicenseConsumption=numlicenses />
  [ <GROUP element.> ] [...]
  [ <APPLICATION ....> ] [...]


The APPLICATION_LIST element may contain the following child elements (described below):

  1. Zero or more GROUP elements (optional).
  2. Zero or more APPLICATION elements (optional).


<APPLICATION LIST MaxLicenseConsumption=10 />
  <GROUP Id="appgroup">/home/appgroup</GROUP>
  <APPLICATION Id="gwc-demo" Parent="defaultgwc">

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The GROUP element allows you to specify a directory where external application configuration files are located. Once a GROUP has been declared, an administrator can add an external application configuration file into the specified directory, and the Genero Application Server will be able to locate and use that file without having to be restarted.

It takes an attribute Id, which specifies the unique identifier for this group. When calling an application defined by an external application configuration file, you must provide the group Id and the name of the external application configuration file name (without the extension), which is typically the name of the application.


<GROUP Id="groupName"> path </GROUP>


  1. groupName is a string that uniquely identifies the group.
  2. path is the directory path where the external application configuration files are to be placed.

Usage Examples:

 <GROUP id="tut-demo">$(</GROUP>
 <GROUP id="mygroup">/home/myuser/config</GROUP>

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An APPLICATION element defines an application. It takes up to four attributes:

When you define an application, you can specify the following elements (described below):


<APPLICATION Id="gwc-demo" Parent="defaultgwc">

For more information on the process of defining applications, refer to Adding Applications.

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The RESOURCE element defines a resource available for this application. For more information on defining resources, refer to the Resources section in this manual.

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The EXECUTION element sets the runtime environment for the application by specifying the parameters for executing a Web application.  You can reference a predefined WEB_APPLICATION_EXECUTION_COMPONENT to inherit the runtime environment settings of that component by including the Using attribute, specifying the unique identifier for that execution component, and/or you can set individual execution elements specific to the application. The attribute AllowUrlParameters defines whether the parameters provided on the command line should be ignored ("FALSE", default value) or provided to the DVM ("TRUE").

Settings defined locally within the EXECUTION element override settings defined in included execution components.

Possible execution elements include:

For more information on defining execution elements, refer to Setting the Execution Environment section of this manual.

Usage Examples:

<EXECUTION Using="cpn.wa.execution.local" />
<EXECUTION Using="cpn.wa.execution.local">
<EXECUTION Id="params" AllowUrlParameters="TRUE">
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The TIMEOUT element sets the timeouts for the application.  You can reference a predefined WEB_APPLICATION_TIMEOUT_COMPONENT to inherit the timeout settings of that component by including the Using attribute, specifying the unique identifier for that timeout component, and/or you can set individual timeout elements specific to the application.

Settings defined locally within the TIMEOUT element override settings defined in included timeout components.

Possible timeout elements include:

For more information on setting timeout values, refer to Application Timeouts.

Usage Examples:

<TIMEOUT Using="cpn.wa.timeout.set1" />

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The PICTURE element specifies the picture parameters required by this Web application. It takes an attribute Using, where you can reference a predefined WEB_APPLICATION_PICTURE_COMPONENT (to inherit the picture parameters of that component), or you can specify the path to the image directory by including a PATH element.

Usage Example:

<PICTURE Using="cpn.picture" />

For more information on specifying a picture component or a path, see Web Application Picture Component - Configuration Reference.

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The OUTPUT element specifies the output parameters for a Web application, listing all maps required to make the defined Web application usable with different browsers/Front Ends.

It takes an optional attribute Rule, to assist with automatic discovery of the User Agent. For more information, refer to Automatic Discovery of User Agent.

The OUTPUT element can contain the following child element (described below):

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The MAP element is a combination of a rendering mechanism and a theme. It takes an required attribute Id, which specifies the unique identifier for this component. The Id can be any value, but it is based on the result the user gets from adua.xrd. Common values are: DUA_WML11, DUA_HTML32, DUA_HTML40, DUA_DHTMLIE55, DUA_CHTML10 and DUA_FORMSML11. The list can be extended by custom choices.

It may also specify an optional attribute Allowed, which specifies whether this map will be used in this context or not. Possible values are TRUE (allowed) or FALSE (not allowed). For example, this can be used to forbid some application to use WML if they were not designed to.

The MAP element can contain the following child elements (described below):

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The RENDERING element defines the rendering to be applied to this Web application. It takes an optional attribute Using, in which the unique identifier of a predefined WEB_APPLICATION_RENDERING_COMPONENT element can be specified.

The RENDERING element may contain an OUTPUT_DRIVER child element, specifying the output driver to be used. If an output driver is defined here, it overrides any output driver settings inherited via the Usage attribute and its specified rendering component.

Usage Examples:

<RENDERING Using="cpn.rendering.wa" />

For more information on output drivers and rendering components, refer to Application Rendering.

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The THEME elment defines the theme to be applied to the application. It takes an optional attribute Using, in which the unique identifier of a predefined WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT element can be specified.

The THEME element may contain TEMPLATE child elements, specifying the template(s) to be used. You can specify multiple theme elements within an application, as different themes can be called by different windows and/or forms. If a template defined in this THEME element has the same unique identifier as a template inherited via a WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT setting, the local THEME element is used. In other words, templates defined explicitly for the application override any templates defined in the WEB_APPLICATION_THEME_COMPONENT that have the same template identifier.

Usage Examples:

<THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc" />
<THEME Using="cpn.theme.default.gwc">
  <TEMPLATE Id="_default">/templatedir/deftemp.html</TEMPLATE>

For more information on defining templates and theme components, refer to Defining a Theme Component.

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