Genero Application Server is supported on a large brand of operating systems, such as Linux, IBM AIX, HP-UX, SUN Solaris and Microsoft Windows.
Each Genero Application Server package is identified with an operating system code (hpx1100, w32vc71). You must install the Genero Application server package corresponding to the operating system that you use.
For the detailed list of supported operating systems, please refer to the Four J's support web site.
Any web server compliant with CGI (Common Gateway Interface) version 1.1 is
supported. For development platforms, we recommend Apache httpd. For more
information, refer to
For the Genero Web Client, the supported user agents include:
User Agent Provider | Version(s) Supported |
Microsoft |
Internet Explorer (IE) 6.x Internet Explorer (IE) 7.x |
Mozilla | FireFox 2.x |
Opera Software | Opera 9.x |
Apple, Inc. | Safari 3.x |
The software is provided as an auto-extractible installation program (i.e. product files and installation program are provided in the same file). The name of the package includes the operating system type and version. Ensure the package name corresponds to your operating system before starting the installation program.
You should also know what type of installation to choose when prompted.
You do not need to be superuser to install Genero Application Server. However, some parts of the Genero Application Server need to be installed with special rights. For example, installation of the connector assumes that you have the rights to install the product in the web server directories.
The installation type you select depends on whether you are installing the software on the application server host, the web server host, or a host that will contain both the application server and web server.
The installation procedure differs between UNIX and Windows platforms:
The installation program provides options that allow you to specify configuration options from the command line . You can display the installation program options using the -h option:
$ /bin/sh
The installation program identifies the operating system and checks that all the system requirements are met before starting to copy the product files to your disk.
To perform the installation, run the auto-extractible shell script with the -i option:
$ /bin/sh
Your application server and web server may reside on separate machines. As such, you are presented with three installation choices:
1 --- Application Server (Application server - gasd)
2 --- Web Server (CGI Connector)
3 --- Full installation (Application server and CGI Connector)
Installation type 1 installs the GAS engine on your
application server. Only
this part is needed for development purpose.
Installation type 2 installs the GAS Connector on your web server.
Installation type 3 assumes that your application server and web server
are the same machine.
After you select an installation type, the installation program copies the product files to
the relevant directories on disk.
Once the files are copied to disk, follow the instructions displayed.
Note: You can install the package as root using -r or --root option.
On Microsoft Windows, GAS is provided as a standard Windows setup program. Distribution files and installation program are provided in the same file.
When you execute the setup program, a wizard guides you through the installation process. At one point, you will be asked to select the type of installation: Application Server, Web Server, Full Installation, or Custom.
On Microsoft Windows, GAS can be installed as a Windows service. If installed as a Windows service, the GAS daemon can be started automatically at the server startup.
With Microsoft Internet Information Services, the installed files may not have the right permissions. You will need to update these files permissions to fit IIS permissions.
The following table lists those directories and files created by or touched during the installation process.
Directory | File | Description |
<webserver> | Web Server installation directory. | |
<webserver>/<script>/ | fglccgi | GAS connector. |
fglcgienv | Tool to check Web Server environment. | |
connector.xcf | Connector configuration file. | |
$FGLASDIR | GAS installation directory. | |
envas | Script for setting environment variables. | |
$FGLASDIR/app | GWC applications external configuration files. | |
$FGLASDIR/bin | gasd | GAS daemon. |
$FGLASDIR/etc | as.xcf | GAS configuration file. |
$FGLASDIR/log | By default, GAS log files are written to this directory. | |
$FGLASDIR/tmp | Default file transfer directory. | |
$FGLASDIR/tpl/ | generodefault.html | Template directory containing the default
template file for the built-in rendering engine. Note: The generodefault.html template is not used for the snippet-based rendering engine. |
$FGLASDIR/tpl/set1 $FGLASDIR/tpl/set2 $FGLASDIR/tpl/set3 |
main.xhtml | Snippet-based rendering engine template subdirectories. Each sub-directory contains a template file (main.xhtml) and a set of .xhtml snippets that define how the snippet-based rendering engine displays the objects in the UI. |
$FGLASDIR/web | demos.html | Root directory for direct communication to
the application server. Demonstrations listing. |
$FGLASDIR/web/fjs | gwccore.js gwccomponents.js gwccomponents.css |
JavaScript handling the application behavior. Default cascading style sheet for Set1. |
$FGLASDIR/web/fjs/asapi | application.js | JavaScript handling communication with Genero Web Client. |
wrappers.js | JavaScript handling widgets behavior. | |
$FGLASDIR/web/fjs/uaapi | webBrowser.js | JavaScript handling user agents specifics. |
$FGLASDIR/web/fjs/defaultTheme | genero.css | Default cascading style sheet for legacy engine. |
genero.js | JavaScript handling the application design. |
<script> is the script directory of your web server (example "cgi-bin" for Apache and "scripts" for Internet Information Services).
See also Genero Web Client Application Directory Structure.
Note: If you installed the GAS daemon as a service on Windows and have started the service, skip to step 3.
Important! After you upgrade your GAS, you must refresh the css and js downloaded in the browser cache by clearing the browser cache. For many browsers, you can accomplish this by pressing CTRL + F5.
Note: If you installed the GAS daemon as a service on Windows and have started the service, skip to step 3.
The latter URI displays a list of the available demonstration programs.The Demos application is provided with the installation files, and is pre-configured and ready to run.
http://<myWebServer>/cgi-bin/fglccgi/wa/r/myAppNote: On Windows platforms, when connecting via a Web server, you must include the extension when calling fglccgi.exe, as shown in the following URL:
With IIS 6.x, running cgi or isapi is disabled by default. To use fglccgi.exe or fglcgisapi, you need to enable their execution.