With template paths, you can access most elements in your application, as well as information about the Application Server.
A template path is an element that returns a typed value. Types can be one of the following:
An object is an element that will handle some fields. Fields are sub-paths handling typed values as described here. Fields can be accessed using a relative path fieldName, or using the object relative or absolute path with the / operator : objectPath/fieldName.
Some objects are selectable; an
identifier is added to the path, making it possible to select one of the object instances
according to a selector. The path will then look like :objectPath[expression];
expression is a selector identifying an object instance. The selector
meaning will be unique for each Selectable Object.
When the object is referenced without using the selector, the default object instance is used.
The default object instance's meaning will be unique for each Selectable Object.
A component is an object that will be also associated with a
snippet. This type of value could be used in an instruction asking for rendering
(gwc:replace or gwc:content) as a call to the snippet corresponding to this
component. This type of value could also be used in gwc:condition to test the
existence or non-existence for this component.
A component is an object and will have some sub paths.
The snippet identifier used to render the component will be unique for each Component
A collection is a list of items. The type of the items will be unique, and
will be one of the types listed.
A collection will be scanned using the gwc:repeat instruction.
Each collection also has an additional field length, to retrieve the number of items in the collection : collectionPath/length.
An attribute is a literal value typed as a STRING, BOOLEAN, or NUMBER.
The template paths provided for your use are documented according to the associated object. See the following topics for details about the various template paths: