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Template Paths - Document hierarchy

The Document object

Path: document

The document is a unique object that represents the HTML document that is currently rendered.

Fields Type Description
document/url Attribute (string) Specifies the URL of the next document to get. Used to set the action attribute of a form HTML tag.
document/dialog Attribute (string) Describes the JavaScript structure handling 4GL dialog structure used by smart JavaScript framework.
document/components Attribute (string) A string describing a JavaScript structure used by smart JavaScript framework.
document/marks Attribute (string) A string describing a JavaScript structure used by smart JavaScript framework.
document/errors Attribute (string) A string containing all errors handled by the Rendering Engine during the current page computation (snippet parsing, expression parsing, expression evaluation, and so on).
document/uploadUrl Attribute (string) A URL to send the files to upload.
Example: Usage in a FORM tag in snippet FileUpload.xhtml for Set1.
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" ... gwc:attributes="action document/UploadUrl ..." >

document/blobUrl Attribute (string) A URL to retrieve documents from the DVM.
Example: Display a link to download a report.
<a gwc:attributes="href document/blobUrl + '/report.pdf'">Click to download report</a>
document/auiUrl Attribute (string) A URL to retrieve the Abstract User Interface tree.
Example: Display the AUI tree in a new window
<a gwc:attributes="href document/auiUrl" target="_blank">gtree</a>
document/request Object A request object handling the request sent by the Web browser.

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The Request object

Path: document/request

The request is a unique sub-object of the document that represents the HTTP request that provokes this document rendering.

Fields Type Description
document/request/header[header-name] Selectable attribute (string) A string containing the selected header value.
Example : An element to render only on Firefox
<div gwc:condition="contains(document/request/header['user-agent'], 'gecko')>You use Firefox</div>
document/request/headers Collection of header objects A collection of all headers handled in the request.

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The Header object

The header objects are scanned through the document/request/headers collection.

Fields Type Description
name Attribute (string) A string containing the header name.
value Attribute (string) A string containing the header value.


<div gwc:repeat="h document/request/headers">
  <b gwc:content="h/name"/>=<i gwc:content="h/value" />

Displays debug information.

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