The Genero Application Server provides XML Schema Definition (XSD) files, which can be used to validate your Genero Configuration Files (XCF) in any enhanced XML editor.
An XML Schema Definition (XSD) file provides the syntax and defines a way in which elements and attributes can be represented in a XML document. It also advocates that the given XML document should be of a specific format and specific data type. XSD is fully recommended by W3C consortium as a standard for defining an XML document, and has replaced the use of Document Type Definition (DTD) files. For more information on XSD, please refer to the W3C consortium web site at
The XSD file to use for validation is explicitly defined within the XML file. For example:
There are two options that can prove useful in validating the GAS configuration file with the gasd tool:
The configuration-check option validates the GAS configuration file and exits. Errors are displayed to error output.
The configuration-explode option explodes the GAS configuration file into separate files, one for each application, which are then stored in $FGLASDIR/tmp. Each file lists the entire configuration for an application, expanding the inherited components.
For more information on the options for the gasd command, see GAS Startup and Command Options.
Any search for "XML Editors" across the various search engines return a long list of XML Editors that use the XML Schema Definition file to validate the XML within the various configuration (XCF) files. One well-known XML editor is Altova XML (XML Spy); a fuller list of tools can be found on the XML Schema page of the W3C consortium, under Tools.
With a good XML editor, you can validate your Genero configuration (XCF) files. You can: