Dependency Diagrams

The Dependency Diagram displays a graphical view of the complex relationships between the various pieces of a project. It shows the components that depend on other components, and/or have components that depend on them.

Displaying the Dependency Diagram

To display a diagram, right-click an Application or Group node, and select Open Dependency Diagram.

This figure is a screenshot of a Dependency Diagram.

Figure 1. Dependency Diagram


Use Ctrl-mouse wheel to zoom in/zoom out on the diagram.

Structure and Function Calls Views

The structure of the project is displayed in a tree in the Structure view. Select a component in the diagram to display its properties in the Properties view. Select the link in the diagram between components to display the associated function calls in the Function calls view.

Right-click menu options in Function calls view:

  • Caller function
  • Called function
  • Caller/Called Module
    • View source