Genero Web Client provides a template language to create dynamic templates. The template instructions, expressions, and paths allowed in the template file is linked to the rendering engine that processes the template. This reference is for those templates that will be rendered by the snippet-based rendering engine, the default rendering engine (starting with Genero Web Client 2.10). See Application Rendering for a discussion on application rendering and rendering options.
Due to the amount of information provided, each topic is covered on a separate page in the online version of this manual.
Template instructions and the GWC namespace
Genero Web Client instruction specify the kind of operations you can perform. This section presents the syntax for the Genero Web Client namespace and lists valid template instructions and valid syntax, and identifies the weight (processing priority) of each template instruction.
Template expressions
Genero Web Client template expressions are elements Genero Web Client template instructions can manipulate.
Template paths
Genero Web Client template paths provide access to Genero Web Client objects, such as the application server, Web server, and Genero application elements.
Template functions
Genero Web Client provides a snippet developer toolbox through a set of functions, suchs as logical iteration, number formatting, type conversion, snippet specific functions, and so on.