Grid Elements objects are in fact one of the following type :
Formfield is a selectable object. It can be accessed using a path like objectPath[id], where id is the Formfield name.
Widgets objects are in fact one of the following type :
Path: application/ui/window/form/staticLabel[name] or relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: StaticLabel
Corresponding AUI Tree element: Label
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details) |
name | Attribute (string) | StaticLabel name. |
text | Attribute (string) | Correspond to the TEXT attribute in 4GL. |
comment | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the COMMENT attribute in 4GL. |
justify | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the JUSTIFY attribute in 4GL. |
hidden | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL. |
tag | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TAG attribute in 4GL. |
class | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STYLE attribute in 4GL. |
style[ attribute-name ] | Attribute (string) | This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window. See Genero Presentation Styles for more details. |
Path: application/ui/window/form/staticLabel[name] or relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: StaticImage
Corresponding AUI Tree element: Image
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details) |
name | Attribute (string) | StaticLabel identifier |
image | Attribute (string) | Correspond to the IMAGE attribute in 4GL. |
width | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the WIDTH attribute in 4GL. |
height | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HEIGHT attribute in 4GL. |
stretch | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STRETCH attribute in 4GL. |
autoscale | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the AUTOSCALE attribute in 4GL. |
hidden | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL. |
tag | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TAG attribute in 4GL. |
class | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STYLE attribute in 4GL. |
style[ attribute-name ] | Attribute (string) | This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window. See Genero Presentation Styles for more details. |
Path: application/ui/window/form/formfield[name] or relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: FormField
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Type of the component. |
selectorID | Attribute (string) | Id of the FormField in matrix. |
selectorDID Deprecated ! | Attribute (string) | Dialog identifier. This function is deprecated use selectorXDID instead. |
selectorXDID | Attribute (string) | Dialog identifier in
exclusive format.
See the function
makeRowSelectionIDID to use the inclusive format. Syntax: control-name=control-value where control-name is selectorXDID and control-value
is the row index.Example: <input type="radio" gwc:attributes="name selectorXDID; value
selectorIndex;... /> produces <input type="radio" name="r89" value="50"... /> |
isSelected | Attribute (boolean) | True if the FormField is selected. |
selectorIndex | Attribute (number) | Index of FormField in a matrix. |
isFirstColumn | Attribute (boolean) | True if the FormField is in the first column. |
item | Object | The FormField Widget. |
Path: grid/hline
Snippet ID: HLine
Corresponding AUI Tree element: HLine
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details) |
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: Button
Corresponding AUI Tree element: Button
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details) |
name | Attribute (string) | StaticLabel identifier |
text | Attribute (string) | Text displayed for the Button. |
comment | Attribute (string) | Comment displayed for the Button. |
image | Attribute (string) | Correspond to the IMAGE attribute in 4GL. |
isActive | Attribute (boolean) | True if the Button is active. |
hasFocus | Attribute (boolean) | True if the Button has focus. |
hidden | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL. |
tag | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TAG attribute in 4GL. |
class | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STYLE attribute in 4GL. |
style[ attribute-name ] | Attribute (string) | This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window. See Genero Presentation Styles for more details. |
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details). |
layoutData | Attribute (string) | |
width | Attribute (number) | |
hidden | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL. |
spacerWidth | Attribute (number) | Width of the spacers. |
cells | Collection of HBoxTagCell objects | List of HBoxTagCell that contains an object. |
allCells | Collection of HBoxTagCell objects | List of all HBoxTagCell objects even empty cells. |
Path: grid/hline
Snippet ID: HLine
Corresponding AUI Tree element: HLine
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details) |
item | Object | Can be any GridElement object. |
isEmpty | Attribute (boolean) | True if the HBoxTagCell is empty. |
Path: formfield/objet/field
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
DID Deprecated ! | Attribute (integer) | Dialog identifier. This path is deprecated use XDID path or makeValueIDID function instead. |
XDID | Attribute (string) | Dialog identifier in
exclusive format.
To use the inclusive format see the function
makeValueIDID. Example: <input type="radio" gwc:attributes="name XDID; value value"... /> produces: <input type="radio" name="v89" value="tata"... /> |
id | Attribute (integer) | Object identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type. |
name | Attribute (string) | The Widget name. |
comment | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the COMMENT attribute of the Widget. |
hidden | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL. |
tag | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TAG attribute of the Widget. |
class | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STYLE attribute of the Widget. |
style[ attribute-name ] | Attribute (string) | This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window. See Genero Presentation Styles for more details. |
value | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the VALUE attribute in the AUI tree. See also makeValueIDID to build a value in inclusive format. |
isModifiable | Attribute (boolean) | True if you can enter a value for the widget (for example in input mode). |
hasFocus | Attribute (boolean) | True id the Widget has the focus. |
noEntry | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the NOENTRY attribute in 4GL. |
notNull | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the NOT NULL attribute in 4GL. |
isRequired | Attribute (boolean) | True if the REQUIRED attribute is set in 4GL. |
isQuery | Attribute (boolean) | Corresponds to the QUERYEDITABLE in 4GL. |
isSelectable | Attribute (boolean) | True if the Widget can be selected. |
width | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the WIDTH attribute in 4GL. |
queryCleanerValue | Attribute (string) | |
tabIndex | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the TABINDEX attribute in 4GL. |
Path: formfield/label
Snippet ID: Label
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/Label
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
isNumeric | Attribute (boolean) | True if the label value represents a number. |
justify | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the JUSTIFY attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: Image
Corresponding AUI Tree element: formfield/image
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
image | Attribute (string) | Correspond to the IMAGE attribute in 4GL. |
height | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HEIGHT attribute in 4GL. |
stretch | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STRETCH attribute in 4GL. |
autoscale | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the AUTOSCALE attribute in 4GL. |
sizePolicy | Attribute(string) | Corresponds to the SIZEPOLICY attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: Edit
Corresponding AUI Tree element: formfield/edit
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
maxLength | Attribute (number) | Size of the field. |
isPassword | Attribute (boolean) | True if the INVISIBLE attribut is present. |
isNumeric | Attribute (boolean) | True if the field value is a number. |
justify | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the JUSTIFY attribute in 4GL. |
picture | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the PICTURE attribute in 4GL. |
shift | Attribute (string) | Value is "up" if UPSHIFT attribute is present. Value is "down" if DOWNSHIFT attribute is present. |
century | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the CENTURY attribute in 4GL. |
include | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the INCLUDE attribute in 4GL. |
verify | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the VERIFY attribute in 4GL. |
autonext | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the AUTONEXT attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: ButtonEdit
Corresponding AUI Tree element: formfield/buttonedit
The ButtonEdit has the same fields than the Edit widget.
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
edit | Object | Use the Edit.xhtml snippet to render the edit part of the ButtonEdit. |
button | Object |
List of fields for the Button object of ButtonEdit object.
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
DID Deprecated ! | Attribute (number) | Dialog identifier. This path is deprecated use XDID path or makeValueIDID function instead. |
type | Attribute (string) | Object type (see ... for more details) |
name | Attribute (string) | Button identifier. |
comment | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the COMMENT attribute in 4GL. |
hidden | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL. |
tag | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TAG attribute in 4GL. |
class | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STYLE attribute in 4GL. |
style[ attribute-name ] | Attribute (string) | This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window. See Genero Presentation Styles for more details. |
image | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the IMAGE attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: TextEdit
Corresponding AUI Tree element: formfield/textedit
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
maxLength | Attribute (number) | Size of the field. |
height | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the number of lines displayed. |
isNumeric | Attribute (boolean) | True if the field value is a number. |
stretch | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the STRETCH attribute in 4GL. |
scrollbars | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the SCROLLBARS attribute in 4GL. |
shift | Attribute (string) | Value is "up" if UPSHIFT attribute is present. Value is "down" if DOWNSHIFT attribute is present. |
wantReturn | Attribute (boolean) | True if the WANTNORETURNS attribute in 4GL is not set. |
wantTabs | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the WANTTABS attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: DateEdit
Corresponding AUI Tree element: formfield/dateedit
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
maxLength | Attribute (number) | Size of the field. |
justify | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the JUSTIFY attribute in 4GL. |
picture | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the PICTURE attribute in 4GL. |
format | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the FORMAT attribute in 4GL. |
century | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the CENTURY attribute in 4GL. |
include | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the INCLUDE attribute in 4GL. |
verify | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the VERIFY attribute in 4GL. |
autonext | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the AUTONEXT attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: Slider
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/Slider
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
orientation | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the ORIENTATION attribute in 4GL. |
step | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the STEP attribute in 4GL. |
valueMin | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the VALUEMIN attribute in 4GL. |
valueMax | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the VALUEMAX attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: ComboBox
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/ComboBox
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
valueText | Attribute (string) | Value of the ComboBox object. |
queryEditable | Attribute (boolean) | Corresponds to the QUERYEDITABLE attribute in 4GL. |
hasEmptyItem | Attribute (boolean) | True if the NOT NULL in 4GL is not set. |
items | Collection of ChoiceItem objects | A list of choices. |
shift | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the SHIFT attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: RadioGroup
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/RadioGroup
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
items | Collection of ChoiceItem objects | A list of choices. |
orientation | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the ORIENTATION attribute in 4GL. |
hasEmptyItem | Attribute (boolean) | True if the NOT NULL in 4GL is not set. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
text | Attribute (string) | Displayed text for the item. |
name | Attribute (string) | Item identifier. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: CheckBox
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/CheckBox
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
text | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TEXT attribute in 4GL. |
valueChecked | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the VALUECHECKED attribute in 4GL. |
valueUnchecked | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the VALUEUNCHECKED attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: TimeEdit
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/TimeEdit
The TimeEdit object has all the attributes listed in the Common Fields.
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: SpinEdit
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/SpinEdit
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
step | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the STEP attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: ProgressBar
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/ProgressBar
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
valueMin | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the VALUEMIN attribute in 4GL. |
valueMax | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the VALUEMAX attribute in 4GL. |
Common attributes for this object are available in the Common Fields section.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
Snippet ID: Canvas
Corresponding AUI Tree element: FormField/Canvas
This object also have common items, see Common fields for more details
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
height | Attribute (number) | Corresponds to the height of the canvas. |
items | Collection of CanvasItem objects | A list of CanvasItem which type could be: CanvasArc, CanvasCircle, CanvasLine, CanvasOval, CanvasPolygon, CanvasRectangle, CanvasText |
items has a length attibute that indicates the number of CanvasItems in the list.
Path: relative paths according to sequences.
A CanvasItem is of type: CanvasArc, CanvasCircle, CanvasLine, CanvasOval, CanvasPolygon, CanvasRectangle, CanvasText. The type also defines the Snipet ID.
Fields (Attributes) | Type | Description |
CID | Attribute (number) | Component identifier. |
type | Attribute (string) | Type of the component. |
name | Attribute (string) | Name of the object. |
comment | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the COMMENT attribute in 4GL. |
tag | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the TAG attribute in 4GL. |
startX | Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the startX attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
startY | Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the startY attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
endX | Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the endX attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
endY | Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the endY attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
xyList | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the xyList attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
startDegrees CanvasArc and CanvasCircle Only ! |
Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the startDegrees attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
extentDegrees CanvasArc and CanvasCircle Only ! |
Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the extenDegrees attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
diameter CanvasArc and CanvasCircle Only ! |
Attribute (integer) | Corresponds to the diameter attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
text CanvasText Only ! |
Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the text attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
anchor CanvasText Only ! |
Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the anchor attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
acceleratorKey1 | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the acceleratorKey1 attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
acceleratorKey3 | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the acceleratorKey3 attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
fillColor | Attribute (string) | Corresponds to the fillColor attribute of a Canvas element in 4GL. |
For more details about elements attributes, please refer to the Genero Business Development Language documentation on Canvas.