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Template Paths - Window hierarchy

The Window object

Path: application/ui/window or application/ui/topMostNormalWindow or also relative paths according to sequences.

Snippet ID: Window

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Window

The Window is a sub-object of UserInterface object that represents one of the application window/frame.

This object value is rendered thru the Window snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Object type (see ... for more details)
name Attribute (string) Window identifier.
message Attribute (string) Window message.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
See Customizing with Genero Presentation Styles for more details.
localActions Collection of LocalAction Objects  
localActions/length Attribute (number) Number of items in the collection.
class Attribute (string) Corresponds to attribute STYLE value.
menu Object A Menu object handling the menu of the application if any.
N.B. dialog and menu are mutually exclusive.
dialog Object A Dialog object handling the dialog description of the application if any.
N.B. dialog and menu are mutually exclusive.
form Object A Form object handling the layout description of the application.

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The Menu object

Path: window/menu

Snippet ID: Menu

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Menu

The Menu is a unique sub-object of Window object that represent the main menu of the application. This object will only exist if the current window is handling a MENU statement. In all other cases including DIALOG statements, the window is handling a Dialog object

This object value is rendered thru the Menu snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Object type (see ... for more details)
idle Object A Idle object when the ON IDLE instruction is used.
text Attribute (string) Menu title.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
See  Genero Presentation Styles  for more details.
class Attribute (string) Corresponds to the attribute STYLE value.
image Attribute (string) Image associated to the Menu.
comment Attribute (string) Comment associated to the Menu.
actions Collection of Action objects The list of all actions available
Used in a repeat instruction to loop on each window in the list.
visibleActions Collection of Action objects The list of actions available that do not have an explicit Action View (as TopMenu commands or Toolbar commands for instance). N.B. this is a sub-list of the actions one.

Used in a repeat instruction to loop on each actions in the list.

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The Dialog object

Path: window/dialog

Snippet ID: Dialog

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Dialog

The Dialog is a unique sub-object of Window object that represent this window interaction. This object will only exist if the current window is handling another statements than MENU.

This object value is rendered thru the Dialog snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Object type.
idle Object A Idle object when the ON IDLE instruction is used.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
See Genero Presentation Styles for more details.
standAloneMatrixDetected Attribute (boolean) True if the dialog contains a matrix and is in interactive mode (display array or input array).
pageSize Attribute (number) Number of rows displayed by the matrix.
size Attribute (number) Number of rows in the matrix.
currentRow Attribute (number) The matrix current row.
offset Attribute (string) The matrix offset.
actions Collection of Action objects The list of all actions available
Used in a repeat instruction to loop on each window in the list.
visibleActions Collection of Action objects The list of actions available that do not have an explicit Action View (as TopMenu commands or Buttons for instance. N.B. this is a sub-list of the actions one.

Used in a repeat instruction to loop on each window in the list.

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The Form object

Path: window/form

Snippet ID: Form

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Form

The Form is a unique sub-object of Window object that represent the form embed in this window if any.

This object value is rendered thru the Form snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type of the component.
name Attribute (string) Form identifier.
text Attribute (string) Form title.
style[ attribute-name ] Attribute (string) This selectable path will return the given attribute value inherited for this window.
See Genero Presentation Styles for more details.
topmenu Object TopMenu of the Form.
toolbar Object Toolbar of the Form.
item Object A LayoutContainer object handling the layout of the form.
minHeight Attribute (number) Corresponds to the 4GL attribute MINHEIGHT.
minWidth Attribute (number) Corresponds to the 4GL attribute MIWIDTH.

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The Action object

Path: actions are accessed relatively thru Collection iteration

Snippet ID: Action or MenuAction

Corresponding AUI Tree element: Action

The Action is a sub-object of Menu or Dialog object that represent the form embed in this window if any.

This object value is rendered thru the Action (if issue from or Dialog object) or MenuAction (if issue from or Menu object) snippet when invoked in a gwc:replace or gwc:content instruction.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type of the component.
id Attribute (string) Object identifier.
DID Deprecated ! Attribute (string) Dialog identifier.
This path is deprecated use IDID or XDID instead.
IDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier with inclusive format.
XDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier with exclusive format.
name Attribute (string) Action identifier
text Attribute (string) Text displayed for this action.
image Attribute (string) Image associated to the action.
comment Attribute (string) Comment displayed for this action.
isActive Attribute (boolean) True if the action is active.
hidden Attribute (number) Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL.
defaultView Attribute (string) The action defaulView value.
hasCustomView Attribute (boolean) True if the action has another view (for example in ToolBar or TopMenu)
hasFocus Attribute (boolean) True if the action has the focus.

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The LocalAction object

Path: application/ui/window/localAction

Snippet ID: LocalAction

Corresponding AUI Tree element: UIDS2/UserInterface/Window/LocalActionList/LocalAction

Local Actions are actions handled by the Front End only.  For more details on the list of Local Actions see the Genero BDL manual, chapter "Interaction Model". There are some Local Actions not handled by GWC: editcopy, editcut, editpaste.

Fields (Attributes) Type Description
CID Attribute (string) The corresponding component identifier.
type Attribute (string) Type of the component.
id Attribute (string) Object identifier.
DID Deprecated ! Attribute (string) Dialog identifier.
This path is deprecated use IDID or XDID instead.
IDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier with inclusive format.
XDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier with exclusive format.
name Attribute (string) Action identifier
text Attribute (string) Text displayed for this action.
image Attribute (string) Image associated to the action.
comment Attribute (string) Comment displayed for this action.
isActive Attribute (boolean) True if the action is active.
hidden Attribute (number) Corresponds to the HIDDEN attribute in 4GL.
defaultView Attribute (string) The action defaulView value.
hasCustomView Attribute (boolean) True if the action has another view (for example in ToolBar or TopMenu)

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The Idle object

Path: dialog/idle or menu/idle

Snippet ID:  

Corresponding AUI Tree element:  

Fields Type Description
DID Deprecated ! Attribute (string) Dialog identifier.
This path is deprecated use XDID instead.
XDID Attribute (string) Dialog identifier in exclusive format.
<input type="radio" gwc:attributes="name makeIdleXDID(); value '';... />
<input type="radio" name="i" value=""... />
In inclusive format, no value is needed.
<input type="submit" gwc:attributes="name makeIdleXDID();"... />
<input type="submit" name="i"... />

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